5 Investment Platforms in Nigeria

Are you looking for the best investment platforms in the country? At a loss for what and where to invest in? Finding just what you can invest in can be very tricky, and sometimes challenging. Even when you do, what you get might not be what you want. 

Look no further though, because we’ve got a list of investment platforms you should look at if you’re looking to make a wise decision with your finances. 

What investment platforms should I invest in?

A lot of these platforms are fintech platforms, which means they’re online, and that makes them easily accessible and convenient. Here’s the list of the best Investment platforms in Nigeria

1. Carbon

Carbon, formerly known as Payvest and PayLater, is an investment platform that works just like the fixed deposit feature. See this post on the fixed deposit interest rate in Nigeria.

With Carbon, you put your money in, and it matures for a period, earning your interest as time flies by. What is excellent about Carbon is that it offers you as much as 15 per cent on your investments. You can access Carbon through its website or the app available on the App Store or PlayStore. 

2. Cowrywise

Cowrywise is one of the leading investment platforms in the country. We specifically know cowrywise for its innovativeness in the fintech scene, especially with its platform being one which offers automated financial transaction processes. Interest earned on Cowrywise is high, running at rates between 10 percent to 15 percent. Cowrywise is accessible through the app version and on its website. 

3. PiggyVest

Piggyvest is one of the first and more popular investment platforms, although you are more likely to remember it as PiggyBank. It functions just like its name; a virtual piggy bank. Besides the option to save as little or as much as you want, PiggyVest allows you to invest in various sectors, especially the agricultural industry. Interest earned on this platform is between the rates of 10 percent to 17 percent. It also offers a safe lock option. PiggyVest is accessible through the app. You can check out our article on PiggyVest Review.

4. SmartSaver

This savings and investment platform offers some of the highest rates in investment and savings, with rates reaching up to 30 per cent in earned interest rates. It uses the Paystack platform for deposits and withdrawals. Using SmartSaver also grants the opportunity to access non-collateral loans from the platform over time. Its Supersave option also gives you up to 8 per cent in interest earnings. First City Monument Bank also powers this platform. 

5. Alat

You can regard Alat as the very first digital bank in Nigeria, powered by WEMA bank. It is a platform centred on financial inclusion for all. It offers up to 10 percent per annum on savings, which is three times what regular WEMA bank users get.

What do I need to invest in these platforms?

Nothing but your funds, a smartphone or computer, and of course, a working internet connection. Other requirements are your bank verification number and means of Identification; which are for security purposes. 


Investments are a wise financial choice, but investing right is even more sensible. With this list, you can’t go wrong with your finances, and you will meet your goals.
