Wealth creation in Nigeria – What you should know

Wealth creation is an activity that is brought about by owning several streams of passive or active revenues under you. Essentially, wealth creation results from either increasing your income, adding an extra source, making high-yield investments, or even thorough savings. However, regardless of how you get there, one thing is certain, which is the fact that you have to create value for others. Most individuals that built wealth, created innovative values that they converted to money. Therefore, having the mindset to create value is the best first step to take.


How can I create wealth?

The very first step to creating wealth is to get rid of all existing debts. Debts are one of the biggest obstacles which you have to deal with, with the quickest way being to eliminate every borrowing channel and devise a plan to repay outstanding sums. Therefore, if you have credit cards, get rid of them, and proceed to dedicate a certain percentage of your earnings towards paying outstanding debts. Also, in all you do, ensure you spend less than you earn.

What are the principles of wealth creation?

Although no one can exactly tell you the exact path to your personal wealth creation, there are a few things that would be helpful for you to know. The principles to help you on your journey are:


before setting out on your journey, you first have to generate a personal will to conquer whichever field you decide on. Therefore, you have to strategically and intentionally create solutions to problems around you. If you do not have a will, then there’s only so far you can go before your zeal quenches.


looking at the life of wealthy individuals, they attained wealth creation by identifying specific fields, attending to them, and dominating that area. Also, those that ventured wide, did so after dominating a specific sector. Over time, these individuals stayed and gave maximum attention to solving problems in the sector and created wealth along the way.

Energy and passion:

A good way to find your niche is to align with your passion, which is what you would naturally have relentless energy for. Most times, when you try to thrive or build something in an area you’re not passionate about, it could lead to losing energy. Ask yourself what you are passionate about, what can’t you get tired of? What do you do naturally without tiring? These are questions that would help you choose the right area to channel your energy and passion.


beyond all doubts, wealthy individuals are driven by what they believe. If you spend time listening to what others say, there’s a good chance you’d not do much, instead, believe in yourself and find that problem that you were born to solve. Also, if you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe in you?


everyone starts from somewhere, which is mostly identifying their skills and competence. However, wealthy individuals don’t stop there, but instead, take conscious efforts to grow into what you know them as today. Therefore, growth should be your daily anthem, along with an attitude of learning. Grow yourself, grow your wealth, and keep in mind that if you stop growing at any time, you are already regressing.  

Bottom line

Beyond understanding the ideologies and principles of wealth creation, you ultimately require discipline to see yourself through. Therefore, while you accumulate knowledge on wealth creation, know that it’s the execution that actually gets you a result. Although it may take time, with commitment and the right strategy, you can build wealth in your chosen industry. 

Categories: Personal Finance